The Center for Breath Treatment

The Center for Breath Treatment has a successfully track record in treating patients suffering with halitosis or bad breath since 1996, and we have treated  in excess of 20,000 patients during that time. Our specialty is treating people suffering from bad breath conditions. This has allowed us to focus our attentions solely on diagnosing and treating bad breath or halitosis problems.

We have found that the average length of time a person has had halitosis prior to seeking our help is about 15-20 years, but many have had it much longer. The reason for such a lengthy period is that in our experience we have found that patients rarely ever obtain an accurate diagnosis of their condition, and without understanding the causes of the bad breath problem it is very hard to know what causative factors you need to treat. We also find that the majority of people have been using ineffective products that often have inflated or false claims about the product's effectiveness.

None of the products we recommend to our patients are produced or manufactured by us. This is intentional. We do extensive clinical and laboratory testing on all products and only when a products passes our strict guidelines do we recommend it to patients. Not being a manufacturer of halitosis products allows us to maintain our objectivity when recommending products and medications to patients, and it provides our patients with the peace of mind that we are recommending what is truly best for them, thus preventing us from having any conflicts of interest. Unfortunately, we see far too many people recommending products that they produce themselves, and as a result the claims being made about those products are very biased and often times not accurate.

At the Center for Breath Treatment (CBT) we have two modes of treating people suffering from chronic bad breath. One is to make an appointment with Dr. Dailley in our clinic for treatment.  But not everybody has the ability to travel the long distance to see us so Dr. Dailley has put together a very effective home treatment program that is as successful as seeing him in person. It can be found on our web site. Because we always find multiple causes to a person's halitosis condition we generally recommend our comprehensive breath treatment kit because it will provide a more comprehensive or thorough treatment approach to treating the numerous causes we find with a people's breath problem. The breath treatment starter kit is a less expensive kit that is not as comprehensive in its scope of treatment and is designed for those on a tighter budget. Because so many patients have questions and have had difficulties in resolving their halitosis prior to receiving treatment from us, we always provides free ongoing e-mail or telephone consultations for those that need it.

Main Business Office:
P.O. Box 1512
Mill Valley, CA 94942

For international calls:
1- 415-383-6038